
Our aim at West Acton Primary School is to develop resilient independent lifelong learners. We believe the key purpose of assessment is to ensure that all children make at least good progress in their learning and achieve the high standards expected of them. Continuous monitoring of each child’s progress is necessary to provide an accurate picture of what the child knows and understands.Hands Globe


The principles that underpin assessment at West Acton Primary are:

  • Assessment is at the heart of day to day teaching and learning it provides evidence to evaluate as well as guide teaching and learning and an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate and review their progress
  • Assessment is honest and balanced, outcomes are conveyed in an open, honest and transparent ways to assist pupils with their learning. Assessment judgements are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy
  • Assessment is ambitious it places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria and expected standard. Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners
  • Assessment is appropriate and draws on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of pupil achievement
  • Assessment is consistent and judgements are formed according to common principles/criteria.
  • Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for pupils in developing their learning; parents in supporting children with their learning; teachers in planning teaching and learning; school leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources.
  • Assessment feedback should inspire confidence and pupil self esteem as well as greater effort and a belief that, through hard work and practice, more can be achieved.

Through Assessment we aim:

  • Identify what children know and what they need to learn next
  • Inform planning (at school/class/group/individual level).
  • Inform target setting, (including information for parents and governors)
  • Measure individual’s/groups’ progress
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods & interventions
  • Motivate pupils and teachers
  • Comply with statutory requirement and reach national standards

Assessment and reporting at West Acton include:

  • On going assessment against the national curriculum objectives by teachers, and immediate interventions for any who are not making expected progress
  • Use of success criteria during each lesson that has been discussed and agreed with the children and used to assess their work
  • Effective feedback (written or oral) from the teacher that identifies next steps in learning
  • Progress tests in maths and reading
  • Moderation of pupils work


This information feeds into the assessments that are used to give an overall picture of the pupil’s progress these take place by, class, phase and subject towards the end of each term.




Our aim at West Acton Primary School is to develop resilient independent lifelong learners. We believe the key purpose of assessment is to ensure that all children make at least good progress in their learning and achieve the high standards expected of them. Continuous monitoring of each child’s progress is necessary to provide an accurate picture of what the child knows and understands.Hands Globe


The principles that underpin assessment at West Acton Primary are:

  • Assessment is at the heart of day to day teaching and learning it provides evidence to evaluate as well as guide teaching and learning and an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate and review their progress
  • Assessment is honest and balanced, outcomes are conveyed in an open, honest and transparent ways to assist pupils with their learning. Assessment judgements are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy
  • Assessment is ambitious it places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria and expected standard. Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners
  • Assessment is appropriate and draws on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of pupil achievement
  • Assessment is consistent and judgements are formed according to common principles/criteria.
  • Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for pupils in developing their learning; parents in supporting children with their learning; teachers in planning teaching and learning; school leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources.
  • Assessment feedback should inspire confidence and pupil self esteem as well as greater effort and a belief that, through hard work and practice, more can be achieved.

Through Assessment we aim:

  • Identify what children know and what they need to learn next
  • Inform planning (at school/class/group/individual level).
  • Inform target setting, (including information for parents and governors)
  • Measure individual’s/groups’ progress
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods & interventions
  • Motivate pupils and teachers
  • Comply with statutory requirement and reach national standards

Assessment and reporting at West Acton include:

  • On going assessment against the national curriculum objectives by teachers, and immediate interventions for any who are not making expected progress
  • Use of success criteria during each lesson that has been discussed and agreed with the children and used to assess their work
  • Effective feedback (written or oral) from the teacher that identifies next steps in learning
  • Progress tests in maths and reading
  • Moderation of pupils work


This information feeds into the assessments that are used to give an overall picture of the pupil’s progress these take place by, class, phase and subject towards the end of each term.




Our aim at West Acton Primary School is to develop resilient independent lifelong learners. We believe the key purpose of assessment is to ensure that all children make at least good progress in their learning and achieve the high standards expected of them. Continuous monitoring of each child’s progress is necessary to provide an accurate picture of what the child knows and understands.Hands Globe


The principles that underpin assessment at West Acton Primary are:

  • Assessment is at the heart of day to day teaching and learning it provides evidence to evaluate as well as guide teaching and learning and an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate and review their progress
  • Assessment is honest and balanced, outcomes are conveyed in an open, honest and transparent ways to assist pupils with their learning. Assessment judgements are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy
  • Assessment is ambitious it places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria and expected standard. Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners
  • Assessment is appropriate and draws on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of pupil achievement
  • Assessment is consistent and judgements are formed according to common principles/criteria.
  • Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for pupils in developing their learning; parents in supporting children with their learning; teachers in planning teaching and learning; school leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources.
  • Assessment feedback should inspire confidence and pupil self esteem as well as greater effort and a belief that, through hard work and practice, more can be achieved.

Through Assessment we aim:

  • Identify what children know and what they need to learn next
  • Inform planning (at school/class/group/individual level).
  • Inform target setting, (including information for parents and governors)
  • Measure individual’s/groups’ progress
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods & interventions
  • Motivate pupils and teachers
  • Comply with statutory requirement and reach national standards

Assessment and reporting at West Acton include:

  • On going assessment against the national curriculum objectives by teachers, and immediate interventions for any who are not making expected progress
  • Use of success criteria during each lesson that has been discussed and agreed with the children and used to assess their work
  • Effective feedback (written or oral) from the teacher that identifies next steps in learning
  • Progress tests in maths and reading
  • Moderation of pupils work


This information feeds into the assessments that are used to give an overall picture of the pupil’s progress these take place by, class, phase and subject towards the end of each term.




Our aim at West Acton Primary School is to develop resilient independent lifelong learners. We believe the key purpose of assessment is to ensure that all children make at least good progress in their learning and achieve the high standards expected of them. Continuous monitoring of each child’s progress is necessary to provide an accurate picture of what the child knows and understands.Hands Globe


The principles that underpin assessment at West Acton Primary are:

  • Assessment is at the heart of day to day teaching and learning it provides evidence to evaluate as well as guide teaching and learning and an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate and review their progress
  • Assessment is honest and balanced, outcomes are conveyed in an open, honest and transparent ways to assist pupils with their learning. Assessment judgements are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy
  • Assessment is ambitious it places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria and expected standard. Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners
  • Assessment is appropriate and draws on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of pupil achievement
  • Assessment is consistent and judgements are formed according to common principles/criteria.
  • Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for pupils in developing their learning; parents in supporting children with their learning; teachers in planning teaching and learning; school leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources.
  • Assessment feedback should inspire confidence and pupil self esteem as well as greater effort and a belief that, through hard work and practice, more can be achieved.

Through Assessment we aim:

  • Identify what children know and what they need to learn next
  • Inform planning (at school/class/group/individual level).
  • Inform target setting, (including information for parents and governors)
  • Measure individual’s/groups’ progress
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods & interventions
  • Motivate pupils and teachers
  • Comply with statutory requirement and reach national standards

Assessment and reporting at West Acton include:

  • On going assessment against the national curriculum objectives by teachers, and immediate interventions for any who are not making expected progress
  • Use of success criteria during each lesson that has been discussed and agreed with the children and used to assess their work
  • Effective feedback (written or oral) from the teacher that identifies next steps in learning
  • Progress tests in maths and reading
  • Moderation of pupils work


This information feeds into the assessments that are used to give an overall picture of the pupil’s progress these take place by, class, phase and subject towards the end of each term.
